2 Week Plan #2

    The first goal of my 2-week plan was to research male dancers with eating disorders. Often times when people picture eating disorders in the dance community, they picture women, but people forget that men are capable of eating disorders as well. Especially in the ballet community, the stereotypical body is very skinny, but in male dancers, it's skinny and strong which is an extremely hard body type to obtain. Male dancers want to fit the role of being thin while still having strong muscles to jump, leap, and partner with women. When men In the ballet world struggle with this it can often lead to compulsive exercising. There is little to no information about men having eating disorders in the dance industry because many people don't connect this gender with things such as body dysmorphia. It is not as common, but it does happen. I got most of my information from a post I found on Instagram from the account "@progressiveplie", and I shared my own post as well.  https://www.instagram.com/p/CMAib9SAI6t/ 

The 'Tiny Pretty Things' Cast and Who They Play: Your Guide    The second goal that I wanted to accomplish was to set a recommended meal plan for dancers and research what foods are best for dancers to be eating. After researching, I figured out the best foods which dancers should be fueling their bodies with. I created 2 Instagram posts around this topic, one being a list of foods, and how they can be prepared, the other being an example of a healthy meal plan for a dancer. The meal plan gives options for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and desserts. It is important for dancers to be fueling their bodies with things that are not only good for you but are filling, but even more important to make sure that they are eating enough food to keep their bodies energized and strong. It is better to eat all of the junk food in the world than to not eat at all. https://www.instagram.com/p/CVknquYrQaI/ (This is the link to the first post that talks about some food options that dancers should include in their diets) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVkuHQMr9pd/ (This is the link to the second post where I share an example of a healthy day of eating for a dancer). 

The Dancer's Diet: What To Eat When Studying Dance - Arthur Murray Studios    The third goal that I had planned to accomplish was to interview someone in this field. Unfortunately, I never got around to accomplishing this goal, but I did create another goal instead. This new goal was to research more about Bulimia Nervosa, because I feel like the majority of my research is on Anorexia Nervosa. Bulimia is not talked about enough in the dance community considering how common it is among the eating disorders that dancers struggle with. Bulimia causes one to feel the urge to throw up after eating. It includes some behavior which is meant to compensate for what the person struggling ate. It can also cause people to fast or excessively exercise. In some cases Bulimia can cause people to binge out of control which then could lead to these behaviors. I got most of my information from the Instagram account "@progressiveplie" and I shared my own post as well with the information that I found. https://www.instagram.com/p/CVjdAlELsQP/ 

    The last goal of my two week plan was to find out how long the symptoms and trauma of eating disorders for dancers last. In some cases, people relapse, which means they fall back into the devious cycle again. If you are lucky than you go through it once, fully recover, and it doesn't happen again. Even if the person is 100% recovered, they will still suffer with trauma because of how difficult the eating disorder was and what it did to the persons mental and physical health. Often times, the eating disorder will go away, but the body dismorphia will still be there because of what this toxicity does to the brain and how you see yourself. Your body will be viewed as bigger than it actually is, especially after being sickly for so long. When it comes to how longterm the affects are, it really differs from person to person. Some people will be completely fine after, even their mind will be recovered. Whereas for others it can be extremely hard for them and can almost be harder than the actual eating disorder itself. Connection Between Abuse, Trauma, and Eating Disorders - TN Rehab


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