2 Week plan

My first goal was to create an Instagram. I accomplished this goal by designing the page to revolve around my topic with a relative profile picture and informative bio. I posted 6 educational posts revolving around dancers with eating disorders and that give the viewer a deeper look into my topic. My Instagram is called @healthandnutrition_fordancers and it is filled with posts about the dance community, a little about me, and the majority is about information on eating disorders. I also shared my previous blog posts, which were deleted, on there my Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/healthandnutrition_fordancers/ These blog posts talk about how toxic the dance community can be for dancers and why so many dancers are prone to disordered eating. 

Get Instagram - Microsoft StoreMy second goal was to interview a nutritionist. I, unfortunately, did not have the time to contact the nutritionist, so I had made a new goal instead. This goal was to share my personal story. I put up a post on the Instagram that I created explaining my experience with disordered eating and the toxicity of the dance community. I stated how I felt pressured to fit the mold of the typical "dancer body" and how it affected my confidence and made me dislike the way that I looked. It was hard not to compare my body to how it looked when I was younger, and feel insecure because it doesn't look the same anymore. The body structure that the dance community promotes is unrealistic for most individuals, and throughout all of my years doing this art form, when I would look in the mirror I would wonder why my body doesn't fit that mold, no matter how hard I try to make it to. https://www.instagram.com/p/CUsJ3lnLjtI/ 

My third goal was to research more on Colleen Werner, aka "BoPo Ballerina". I found an Instagram page that was informing people of all of the unlikable traits of the dance world. One of their posts was about eating disorders in ballet dancers and it was full of extremely informative information. This post had also included information on Colleen Werner and was full of facts that I could not find anywhere else on the internet. They mentioned how people were praising her for her weight loss, little did they know it was the result of anorexia. She mentions how teachers sometimes tell their students that they'll be given their desired role if they lose a certain amount of weight. This encourages the idea that becoming skinnier will increase dancers' chances of being successful in the ballet world. https://www.instagram.com/p/CLSMwDnA7Ap/ Black Sheep Ballet aims to make ballet more inclusive and accessible

My final goal was to figure out the recovery process behind dancers with eating disorders. I learned that often times after dancers recover from an eating disorder they fall right back into the dark hole once again even after fully recovering. In some situations, they will still believe that they aren't their ideal body type and none of their problems were solved. They're still insecure. When dancers are in recovery most times they have to take a break from dance to let their body recover. This break will sometimes make the dancer believe that they got worse and cause them to fall right back to square one again. The recovery process is different for every dancer, but it is never easy. https://www.thewholedancer.com/always-margi-ballet-anorexia-back/ https://www.dancemagazine.com/return-after-an-eating-disorder-2602627170.html


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