
Final 2 Week Plan

      The first goal of my 2-week plan was to go back and think about everything that I have learned from this experience and pick out the most important thing that I have learned. After reviewing all of my previous blog posts and notes I found it very difficult to pick one thing that was more important than the rest because this is such an informative subject filled with so much heavy information. One of the things that I often remind myself of is that if you're not eating enough food, your bones will become weak and brittle, and you could get injured very easily. If you are not eating enough your body will start to burn muscle instead of fat and you will not be as strong of a dancer. Every dancer's biggest fear is a major injury and keeping this fact in mind could help many dancers who are starting to fall into an ED mindset.      The second goal of my 2-week plan was to share my experiences with this issue. The circumstance that I was put in is very simi...

"Start Your Journey" Blog post

        A global issue that I feel passionate about is child hunger, in the US specifically. I would like to educate myself more on this issue because I want to know why this problem hasn't found a solution yet. These children don't have any control of how much income their family makes, and how their parents/guardian chooses to spend their money. They're becoming malnourished in a 1st world country that has more than enough money and their health is at risk because of the decisions that their parents have made. Children should not be punished from the mistakes of adults, or the situation that they were born into.          What compels me to take action on this issue is that it is not their choice that they're not eating.  I could tell an affective story on this issue by comparing this to children who struggle with eating disorders to create an affective response to share. So many children struggle with eating because of eating diso...

2 week plan #4

 The first goal of my 2 week plan was to follow my recommended meal plan that I put on my Instagram a couple of weeks back. On the meal plan, I listed various different options for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and snacks that would be a good choice to fuel a dancers body with. I also heavily emphasized that diet culture is bad for young dancers, carbs are needed in order to stay full and energized, to not count your calories, and to listen to your body and what it needs. Not everything you eat has to be healthy because balance is key. For breakfast I had a kodak flapjack cup, which contains 20 grams of protein, along with some fruit and iced tea. For lunch I had veggies with humus, along with pepperoni, pretzles, and a cookie. For a snack I had a chocolate crissont. After I got home from school I had tuna sushi and an apple. After dance I had chicken, rice, and broccoli for dinner, and for dessert I had some dark chocolate and raspberries. After following this meal plan for a...

"How I Built This" Blog Post

      The podcast that I chose to listen to was "Stacy's Pita Chips: Stacy Madison (2019)" .  This podcast is related to my topic because it talks about the food industry and mentions food in general. It also talks about how nutrition affects the sales of pita chips. Stacy mentions how she thought that her sales were going to go down because not as many people were eating carbs and more of the healthier food brands were rising. Every food brand had a backbone of nutrition and it can affect your business and how much of your product you sell.      Stacy Madison was the founder of Stacy's  pita chips. She grew up in the suburbs of Boston and thought that she was going to be in the psychology field until she discovered her love for food. Stacy lived in Hawaii for a portion of her life and while she was there she would sell dinners to people in her building. When she ...

2 Week Plan #3

      My first goal of my 2 week plan was to share a post on instagram informing my followers on more of the general facts about eating disorders. I shares a post with 5 slides, all of which included different facts and statistics about eating disorders in general and the harmful affects of them. The first post was sharing the percentages and numbers of people with eating disorders. It shares facts such as the most common ages to develop them and the percentages of being who were actually 100% cured from their ED. The second slide shared facts about each of the 3 most common types of EDs, Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating Disorder. The third slide in the instagram post shows the stats of what age and gender is most apt to develop an ED. The fourth slide shows what percentage each disorder has over all the EDs combined. The last slide shares the symptoms of the 3 most common EDs and what goes on during each o0f them, including what they do to your body....

Failure & Success

      Since learning about failure and success in this lesson, I have become easier on myself when I make mistakes or mess up on something. I learned that if you succeed on something on the first try then it is too easy for you and you should be challenging yourself more, so then you will be more able to reach a higher potential. In school, I have been easier on myself with my grades but I am trying harder as well. I have been doing this by keeping a positive mindset and putting my all into my assignments while still cutting myself some slack.      In Austin's butterfly, he kept on trying even though he failed the first couple of times. He started off with a rough product, and each time he got progressively better until he finally got a product that was a success and ended up being very impressive. The advice that I would give to someone who feels like a failure is that everyone has to start somewhere. Not everything will be a success on the first try, fran...

2 Week Plan #2

     The first goal of my 2-week plan was to research male dancers with eating disorders. Often times when people picture eating disorders in the dance community, they picture women, but people forget that men are capable of eating disorders as well. Especially in the ballet community, the stereotypical body is very skinny, but in male dancers, it's skinny and strong which is an extremely hard body type to obtain. Male dancers want to fit the role of being thin while still having strong muscles to jump, leap, and partner with women. When men In the ballet world struggle with this it can often lead to compulsive exercising. There is little to no information about men having eating disorders in the dance industry because many people don't connect this gender with things such as body dysmorphia. It is not as common, but it does happen. I got most of my information from a post I found on Instagram from the account "@progressiveplie", and I shared my own post as well.  ht...