2 Week plan
My first goal was to create an Instagram. I accomplished this goal by designing the page to revolve around my topic with a relative profile picture and informative bio. I posted 6 educational posts revolving around dancers with eating disorders and that give the viewer a deeper look into my topic. My Instagram is called @healthandnutrition_fordancers and it is filled with posts about the dance community, a little about me, and the majority is about information on eating disorders. I also shared my previous blog posts, which were deleted, on there my Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/healthandnutrition_fordancers/ These blog posts talk about how toxic the dance community can be for dancers and why so many dancers are prone to disordered eating. My second goal was to interview a nutritionist. I, unfortunately, did not have the time to contact the nutritionist, so I had made a new goal instead. This goal was to share my personal story. I put up a post on the Instagram that I ...